The Truth About Sex In Marriage

Sex isn’t bad when you’re married…it’s better!! 

Many times, people go into marriage with a cloud over their heads, thinking that the end of sex is a sure thing. 

Sometimes it’s not so popular – we organize events like a party for the “last race”. Not knowing that the explanation behind it is often negative, indicating “have a wonderful time now, while you still can.” 

But is sex in marriage always terrible? Or is our negative perception of it the real problem?

In fact, life happens and this holiday season, whether good or bad, comes to an abrupt end. Every couple eventually finds themselves in the storm of everyday life. Then the kids come into the picture, and before you learn the timing system, your time together is going down the rabbit hole.

But, challenges aside, sorry – we do not accept the idea of sex and marriage as destruction and fear. So, we asked our YourTango experts, who work with hundreds of couples (married, divorced, and married) every day to reveal the truth about how to create a life. hot sex, healthy and correct in marriage (if possible).

What they revealed exploded the “sex in marriage is terrible” stereotype (along with many myths and misconceptions) 

So, pay close attention, because what you’re about to hear could be a game changer in your marriage…for the better! It is suspected that ditching the honeymoon phase is a good idea, because sex and marriage can be really phenomenal in his right … If you understand what it takes to connect in this way with you and your partner. Here’s what we learned: 

1. Why is sex in marriage good? 

Do you think that “regular sex” or “frequent sex” is what makes for a happy and healthy sex life in a marriage? Think again. 

47% of YourTango experts say that “the connection of the soul and intimacy” is the main thing, while 44% say that they “put the happiness of both partners first.” So, avoid the “Energizer Bunny” way to “go” and take it slow. Get into the habit of looking into each other’s eyes frequently. It turns out that the first heart-to-heart connection is the best way to achieve the most mind-blowing orgasms.

2. What is the main attraction of sex in marriage?

What is your spouse’s favorite thing? Interestingly, it’s not the sexy clothes you wear over the bed or even the clothes you make.

No. Our experts find that 56% of their clients are attracted to each other when they “feel appreciated or needed.” 

So, save your money, stop turning on the bed linens, and help your partner with the dishes (or give them a sincere thank you when you feel like doing something for you). Trust us, it will go a long way! 

3. How can you improve the sex life of men and women?

77% of experts recommend that clients “connect emotionally before having sex” to maintain a fun, hot and satisfying sex life, and 76% agree that “everyone asks what you really want.” 

This means talking outside of the room, talking and sharing what turns you on between sheets. After all, the most important lesson we learn in life is: A closed mouth doesn’t get food – put it in your relationship – it doesn’t fail.